Successful Toilet Training

Reward success

  • Be sure to sure to praise and offer a toy for early successes, this can speed up the process.

  • Accidents are part of training so don’t reprimand your child.

Practice in the community

  • Be sure to work on using the toilet in the community to help generalise and carry lots of spare (pants)

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Toilet training is a rite of passage for any parent but before you plunge in check you have all the facts first.

Spot the signs of readiness

Is your child ready? Here are some signs to look for:

  • Dislike of soiled or wet nappy

  • Dry for long periods of time

  • Predicable patterns for number 2 (e.g always after lunch)

  • Able to talk you they need the toilet

Diet is key

  • Make sure your child is getting enough fibre and fluids.

  • If your are worried about your child’s diet it may be worth booking an appointment to see a GP to get advice.

Gareth Cobb